With heavy hearts we said goodbye to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 on September 19, 2022, and we
thank her for her years of service to Canada including her military service during the Second World War.
We thank those that attended the Remembrance service at the Cenotaph.
Remembrance Day is fast approaching. The Poppy campaign starts on Friday October 28 and runs until
Friday Nov 11 Remembrance Day.
My question is, Who do you Remember this Nov.11? I remember my Dad and my father-in-law who were
WW11 veterans. Did you or have you a Veteran in your family, a friend, or a neighbour that you would like
to honour. If you would like to purchase a Wreath for Remembrance Day, you can contact Poppy Chair
Rose Lamingman by email rlamingman@hotmail.com. Poppy Protocol, The Poppy is the international
symbol of Remembrance. When you wear a Poppy or display a wreath, you honour the war dead and help
Veterans and their families. Everyone should be encouraged to wear a Poppy as it is a way for all Canadians
to honour the memory of the thousands of Canadians who gave their lives in the defence of freedom. The
Poppy should be worn with respect on the left breast, close to the heart.
We remind our current Legion members that their membership fees are due. Every member makes a
difference. We encourage you to join the Legion. Being a Legion member is a great way to honour Canada’s
Veterans and support the Legion’s work to improve the lives of those served, remember the Fallen and help
our communities.