July 1 st Canada Day is a time to celebrate and a time to reflect on our Freedom.
Legion members are asked to be in dress uniform (if possible) to march in Parade
on Canada Day. The parade starts at Hilltop Manor so please be there for 11:15
am. As parade starts at noon. The Legion will host a Potluck lunch @1pm so
please bring an item to share. Bar will be open from 1 to 4pm.
Monday night Euchres will continue for the months of July and August. Seniors
Lunch will also continue third Thursday. Don’t forget Horseshoes on Wednesday
As part of the Legion’s commitment to Veteran’s and their families, Legion
Branch 245 grants up to 4 Bursaries of $500.00 each through the Poppy Trust
Fund. The application can be obtained at the Legion or by email at
merrickvilleontariolegion245@gmail.com and the deadline for submission is
August 1,2022. The children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of Veterans
who need financial assistance to pursue a post-secondary education to further
their educational goals are eligible. If you are unsure of eligibility, please contact
the Legion by email.
We have provided sponsorship for Children’s Prize Money in Exhibit Hall for
Merrickville Fair on August 5,6,7/22 in support of youth activities. We also have
provided 3 Bursaries of $500.00 each from our Lottery account to 3 students
graduating from Grade 12 and continuing their education. One student from each
of the following High Schools North Grenville, St. Mike’s and Smiths Falls that are
residents of Merrickville-Wolford.
Our Branch will be hosting the Legion Provincial Horseshoe Competition on
August 6 th . The public is welcome to come and watch.
Submitted by Rose Lamingman 1 st Vice President