We are hoping to do some Fri. night suppers in October, not sure of dates yet, but we will keep you posted.
Please check our Facebook page or contact Mary Horning at 613 269-3234 for more details.
Just to let everyone know who is coming to the Legion that for any event we will be following all the
necessary protocols the Health Unit and Province are asking us to follow. We ask that you be kind
to our Volunteers and treat them will respect.

Seniors Lunch will start again on Thurs. Oct. 21 from 11am to 1pm. Again you will need to follow all the
guidelines that are in place for indoor activities in order to attend.

Legion Poppy Campaign starts Fri. Oct. 29 so if you would like to sponsor a wreath and/or a Poppy
Collection Box PLEASE contact me. We will be delivering Poppy collection boxes around to businesses on
Fri. Oct. 29 and you can also sponsor a wreath if you wish. We THANK everyone for their tremendous
support from last year and hopefully you can do it again this year. We will let you know in next issue of
the Phoenix what will take place on Remembrance Day of this year.

By Rose Lamingman